
The Scientists Plan To Revive A Mysterious Prehistoric Giant Virus From Thirty Thousand Years Ago

Scientists discovered a prehistoric giant latest virus - Mollivirus sibericum, meaning "from Siberia software virus", it has warned that the future of it or to bring tens of thousands of years of ancient humanity deadly virus.

At present, lurking in the frozen wilderness of northeastern Russia a prehistoric giant virus coming resurrection! Scientists pointed out that they will "revive" 30,000 years ago, a virus, observe whether they are harmful to humans or animals.

This prehistoric giant virus called the "Mollivirus sibericum", is the fourth since 2003 virus prehistoric discovery, experts warned that climate change and ice melting will be resurrected similar dangerous pathogens. It is reported that, Mollivirus sibericum the French CNRS scientists in Russia Koroma lowland discovery. This is the second prehistoric virus The research team found that in 2003 they found Minivirus, two other prehistoric viruses were discovered in 2013 and 2014.

Qualified "giant virus", the length must be greater than 0.5 micron, Mollivirus sibericum means "from Siberia software virus", it can be observed using an optical microscope to their existence. The latest study, published in a recent issue of "PNAS" magazine.

The researchers say the virus on a giant story began in 2003, so far found four types of prehistoric giant viruses have different structures, sizes, genome length and replication cycle, which studies the origin and evolution patterns and conflict hypothesis.

In fact, the global warming factors, two different types of prehistoric virus is easily raised from prehistoric permafrost. Giant viruses lurking in these areas rich in minerals, especially oil, along with more and more ice melts potential industrial development potential.

At the same time, global warming also makes the Arctic and sub-Arctic warming, which is twice the global average temperature rise warming, which means that the permafrost is melting. Study author Jean-Michel Claverie, said: "Faced with vulnerable places in the body, many virus particles remain contagious viral pathogens is potentially resurrection is not for safety if we do not take this seriously, when industrialization in these areas. protection, are likely to wake up some of the deadly virus had been eradicated future. "

This prehistoric giant virus Claverie and colleagues plan to revive newly discovered, put them together and single cell amoeba, amoeba as places subject to. March 2014, scientists using similar techniques Pithovirus sibericum "resurrection."

It is understood, Mollivirus sibericum virus was found 30 meters deep underground in the tundra near the east Siberian Sea coastal permafrost, unlike most viruses today, these prehistoric giant virus not only large-bodied, and has a complex hereditary.

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