
Photographer Shoot The Horror Of Spider Devouring Insects

United States Nashville City photographer Sam Donato took a group of beautiful pictures, showing the home hidden "deadly killing" - how to kill flies, spiders and other insects. As shown, this is a Metacyrba taeniola spider, swallowing catch flies.

A female spider Phidippus mystaceus to capture a housefly, photographer Donato that this type of photography is very interesting.

A female spider Phidippus mystaceus captured a fly, this time its claws clutching prey, round eyes facing the camera lens, is very cute.

A male Phidippus mystaceus spider captured a fly, photographer shooting Donato found that if let this spider feel comfortable, they will be very fit, will quietly let the photographer shoot.

A female spider Phidippus mystaceus catch flies close-up photos.

A male Phidippus mystaceus spider to catch a cricket, photographer Donato finished shooting at the spider meal.

As shown, a female Phidippus mystaceus brutally tore a moth.

A female Phidippus otiosus to capture an insect.

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