
How Did Sea Turtle Get A Straw Up Its Nose?

Nose turtle pulled straws, painful process. Recently, foreign media reported that a turtle rescue deeds scientist, scientists on the coast of Costa Rica found an injured sea turtle, after examination found the turtle nasal foreign body, the scientists took ten minutes to remove it, find the nasal cavity a foreign object turned out to be a straw.

August 17, 2015 reported that recently a video in the online heat transfer, in this video, a team of scientists spent nearly ten minutes to remove a plastic straw from a Pacific ridleys nostrils. "At first, it looks like a worm," turtle expert at the University of Texas, said Christine Figgener, she only lend a helping hand injured sea turtles in Costa Rica coast.

Rescuers are not sure how it got into straws turtle nose, but experts speculated turtles, sea turtles could be swallowed straw at what time, the result was stuck in the throat, then tried to spit it. "Pacific ridleys to crustaceans for food, especially those animals that live in the sea," Figgener said, so the turtle might be the straw as their food. After drinking tube pulled out, visible enough to have 12 cm long; the turtle's nose continues to bleed more.

Figgener and his colleagues are collecting data about the turtle was mate, then noticed a 35 kg weight of males nose seems to have something. Team members tweezers to remove it a few centimeters long and lose as a sample and found crumpled brown object that is actually a plastic straw.

Injuries caused by turtle is straw, and throw the straw is human, it can be said that mankind indirectly hurt sea turtles, so our human behavior is actually about a lot of animal safety, so we have to love nature, do not Uncontrolled waste disposal.

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