
Seven Ways Of Civilian Space Travel

Take the "fish bowl" space travel: the various existing spacecraft very narrow field of vision, which greatly affected the tourism effect. To this end, a US aerospace company is developing a fully transparent sightseeing ships, so that passengers can carry on a 360-degree panoramic sightseeing. This fully transparent spacecraft capsule is a huge hollow transparent sphere, like a king-size aquarium, so the researchers gave this ship named "tank" spacecraft.

Train travel in space: maglev train in vacuum line about 30 minutes to reach the terminal, powerful trains in the pipeline so that the end of the first cosmic velocity exceeds the speed of 9 kilometers per second. Out of the pipeline after the "Star Train" Like flak like a large, rely on inertia continues hurtling into space, reaching hundreds of kilometers from Earth in near-Earth orbit within twelve minutes, about 90 minutes you can surround the Earth circle.

Buy a balloon ride Space: The space tourism will take some time, when a Spanish company hopes after two years so that more and more people "category space travel." They have created a way to rise to 36 km altitude helium balloon heat, hoping to get people in there watching the Earth and space.

Go to space hotel on vacation: a vacation in space to a lot of people dream of space hotel designed long time, back in 1967, before the Apollo moon landing, the famous hotel chain Hilton Group put forward the idea of space hotels. Japanese construction firm Shimizu later made a similar plan. However, in the past 40 years of time, space hotel has been stuck on the concept. In recent years, the US hotel magnate Robert Bigelow investment in the construction of a "space hotel" II test module was launched, marking the space hotel is expected to enter the practical stage in recent years.

Ride a rocket ship to outer space: Japanese Rocket Society is building a large ship rocket ship 50 seats, in 2018 off the flight plan. Tourists do not need any training, just as easy to fly, only about $ 26,000 per person can travel at 300 km altitude near-Earth orbit three hours. Through huge rotating cabin, enjoy the beautiful views of the Earth and outer space.

Take the elevator to space: the space elevator concept first appeared in the British science fiction novelist Clarke science fiction, then many scientists to demonstrate the feasibility of vision. Initially, most scientists agree that the space elevator is not feasible. Because, according to conventional materials twenty or thirty years ago, either steel or alloy or polymer materials to build a space elevator tens of thousands of kilometers high, which lifts the weight was amazing, the base is also large enough to imagine.

Riding "Lynx" go to space: Of course, "Lynx" is not really used to ride, it is the United States developed a new type XCOR Aerospace shuttle. The smaller aircraft, like small private plane, with two seats, the use of rocket-propelled, can fly to an altitude of 61 kilometers from the Earth in space travel.

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