
A Chinese Beautiful Programmer Homemade A "Hacker Heels"

There is a girl whose network called "SexyCyborg" in Shenzhen China developed a pair of "hacker heels", made by 3D print.

SexyCyborg is an extreme sexy and have a strong desire for knowledge, skills and creative beauty create customer, and on her feet she wore exactly the latest independent creation of "hacker heels."

It is learned that the true identity of SexyCyborg is a web developer, mainly for overseas software outsourcing company to do the work (but her client did not know she was a woman). Since reason in Shenzhen, the hardware industry, and 3D printing is also more familiar. She also through 3D scanning and 3D printing, made a model of his body, and the light-emitting skirts.

Beauty engineers certainly did not intend to become a hacker. She has a good mind: Women're out hope of traveling light, but sometimes they need some tools or something with me, the back of a package, but too much trouble, so she was aiming for the high-heeled shoes, she thinks a woman's high-heeled shoes is a can transformation of things, each can have a shoe compartment, brought reserve some small things - just a vamp open it.

The Flirty devised her latest work, is this pair of "shadowless high heels." Below each shoe is equipped with a small drawer, do not take off the shoes can be easily opened, it closed. It is worth mentioning that these shoes are 3D printing, we can customize the size of a drawer, you can hold a complete set of hacker infiltration equipment.

SexyCyborg to the media showing her heels 3D printing, and name it "shadowless shoes."

In the right shoe hidden a wireless router, a rechargeable battery.

"I had to print thickness is set to 0.3 mm. So it looks a little rough texture." She adds. Material is PLA, the filling factor of 20%, and apparently use a considerable amount of support material. SexyCyborg added that this weight like a normal pair of shoes shoes, but enough to support her weight. But she did not mention whether they are comfortable to wear, although a little doubt.

From SexyCyborg personal presentation page can tell, she is Cantonese, has been a girl, have not done a sex change operation, she is skinny is hereditary, although meat, but do not like to eat rice and bread, and never exercise. Occupation is not the model, is a full-time programmer.

Ruby SexyCyborg mainly used for software development, is undergoing a transformation JavaScript, but also hardware and 3D printing contact. Love open source, working for overseas companies at home, customers do not know that they are women, and their appearance.

She has done a breast augmentation in Thailand, reportedly because Thailand has the largest 800cc silicone and only 600cc. Often the picture is because they like it, could speak English because at school too, often see the US play and work in English, their English learning have helped.

Just look at this pair of women's high-heeled shoes and the general is not much difference, is nothing less than the volume of the heel is a little.

Earlier, SexyCyborg also use 3D printing a "shining skirt".

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