
The Correct Breastfeeding Posture and How to Promote Lactation

Breast milk is the most natural growing, safest and most complete natural food, it contains all the nutrients and antibodies necessary for infant growth, especially breast milk contains fifty percent fat, in addition to the supply of baby body heat, but also to meet baby brain development of the necessary fat (60% of the structure of the brain from fat); rich in calcium can make the baby grow tall and strong; Immune globulin can prevent and protect babies from infection and chronic diseases occur; and oligosaccharide than have to factor can inhibit the proliferation of intestinal bacteria and help digestion. In addition, breastfeeding and parent-child relationships intimate contact can stimulate the brain and mental development of infants.

Thus, for women who have just become mothers, breast-feeding posture is very important to master, then please follow us together to learn about the correct breastfeeding posture.

Infant feeding to correct time and the correct posture breastfeeding

Feeding time

6 to 12 hours after the baby was born temporarily feeding, can be fed sugar water, prevention of neonatal hypoglycemia. After feeding once every 3-4 hours, stopping once at night. 15-20 minutes each feeding, time not too long. Thus the timing of feeding, the baby can develop temporal conditioned reflex.

Baby's position

Hold the baby to his chest, his nose and let your nipples at the same height, just like the milk from your nipples flows along a straight line, like the baby's back of the head;

When you put your baby to the breast, the baby's mouth to Zhang's large enough (greater than 100 degrees). When the baby looked slightly chin, lower lip and tongue can touch your nipples first, but the nose is not against you;

Regardless of what kind of position, should allow the baby's head slightly back, instead of the forearm to the hand shore baby's head;

It sucks, the baby will have nipple and areola in his mouth. If you find that your baby just mouth the nipple, you should gently interrupted him. The correct approach is containing 2/3 and 1/3 of the nipple and areola, nipple during breastfeeding so it will not be overwhelming;

Do not breast-feeding when the baby is crying, because the tongue is located in back of the mouth, the consequences of doing so is very uncomfortable breastfeeding. The correct approach is to try to get the baby before eating quiet;

If your breasts accidentally blocked the baby's nose, do not squeeze the breast, which can clog the breast duct. At this point, you pledge your baby gently disengage from your nipples, re-position it gracefully.

Mother's posture

Mother breastfeeding posture and appease play a crucial role. You can choose an upright back of the chair, make sure you can get good back support. Sitting on top, will your baby to the breast, rather than just anywhere leaning against, oppressed to prevent breast. Then choose a comfortable position feel it.

Everyone has their own feeding posture is important that you and your baby are comfortable. If inflammation or pain on one side of the breast, can take turns exchanging lactating breasts on both sides, it would also smooth inflamed milk. If the pain is severe, it can change the feeding position.

Four feeding posture

To be good for breastfeeding, we must first start from the correct feeding posture. Correct feeding posture general there are four:

 Bantang formula 

Specific methods:
1, the baby cross leaning against her mother's abdomen, face toward the mother's breast;
2, behind her mother with a pillow to elevate the upper body, leaning lie;
3, the mother hold the baby's arm back to baby's mouth can be gripped mother's nipple.

Breast-feeding, rest easy my mother;
In the first few days after giving birth, the mother is still difficult to sit up, and to the recumbent posture formula feeding baby is most suitable.

 Rugby formula 

Specific methods:
1, baby lying on her mother's arms, buttocks hand, padded support is available when needed;
2, the lower arm mother holding baby's back, the body should be slightly forward, so that the baby close to the breast;
3, after the start of feeding, they relax and tilting back the body.

This position allows the baby to suck into the lower half of the breast milk;
When feeding twins, or at the same time have another child wants to cling to her mother when they are particularly suitable for this position.


Specific methods:
1, the baby's head looked on her mother's arms, abdomen inward;
2, holding her mother's hand should the baby's buttocks, convenient physical contact;
3, the mother of available upholstered or handrail support arm, arm muscles will not be too high because Taijian pulled taut

Use hand supporting the back of the neck, the baby's head can result in better control;
When used in premature children or grabs the nipple have difficulty breast-feeding your baby is particularly appropriate.

 Lateral type 

Specific methods:
1, my mother on the bed side, with a pillow behind elevate the upper body, leaning lie;
2, the baby cross leaning against your belly, your baby's face toward you, your baby's head in your arms;
3, the baby's mouth and your nipples maintained at the same level.

Breast-feeding, rest easy my mother;
Episiotomy or tearing pain or hemorrhoids pain women using the most suitable for this position.


How to determine improper feeding posture? In the end what the situation, in order to illustrate improper feeding posture it?

  • when breast-feeding appears to injuries;
  • when the nipple pain, the feeling of being torn;
  • nursed him, feeling the breast milk as well, and soon began to swell;
  • you will not always want to suppress breast removed when the baby's nose;
  • when the baby wolf, when there is no time to slow down;
  • when the baby is breast-feeding posture is very nervous;
  • when fed a long time, the baby still looks hungry, when you do not want to stop;
  • when the baby's weight did not increase as expected;
  • if you and your baby are not comfort, it may be inappropriate feeding position.

How to Promote Lactation

What is to increase milk? So breast smooth process through massage, diet, herbs and other methods to increase milk is called. Colostrum after birth usually refers to the beginning of the first feeding. If this step did not do colostrum, the baby may refuse to breast milk, mothers will occur due to insufficient milk or milk and milk knot rise, thus affecting breastfeeding, mothers can lead to serious suffering acute mastitis. Therefore, the right is the key to the successful implementation of the milk by breastfeeding.

Massage of Promote Lactation

Before the massage, the mother need to heat about breast lumps, especially where more heat for a while, so you can reduce the pain during massage. Prolactin during massage time, in order to prevent skin damage caused by friction, usually first coated with sesame oil or lotion hands and breasts, and then began to massage.

Nipple prolactin Massage: Mom from shore below the breast with one hand and with the other hand and gently squeeze areola, let soften. With the thumb, forefinger and middle finger three fingers vertical chest pick up the nipple, gently pull. Vertical dish with three fingers nipple, while oppressed try to let your fingers tightened, while changes in position, you can turn 360°.

Breast prolactin Massage: First Mom can use both hands around the breast along the whole palm breast duct, gently push the nipple ask, promote blood circulation, dredge breast duct. If there are lumps in the breast, it should be from the soft parts of the site into lumps, until the entire breast becomes soft. Finally, with the thumb and index finger around the areola squeeze it, in order to more effectively achieve the effect of prolactin.

In addition, the mother may be performed massage the breast to the middle of pushing, try to make two nipples close. Through this method, the base of the breast up more activities than usual. The thumb into the armpit.

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