
US Scientists Will Nurture Chicken Dinosaur With Tail In The Future

Currently, the US scientists have begun to cultivate "chicken dinosaur" by chickens genetically modified, reverse genetics to breed chickens dinosaur features.

Currently, the US Rocky ancient biology museum, Dr. Jack Horner of Montana State University are nurturing chickens dinosaur characteristics, such as: long with a long tail, is expected to be a small dinosaur breed true over the next decade.

Horace said: "We are unlikely to use them resurrect dinosaur DNA, thus nurturing 'chicken dinosaurs' Jurassic Park set up the premise for substitution was resurrected dinosaurs, we know it's not likely I had several attempts from dinosaurs. in extracting DNA, but always failed, this may also be a good thing, because a huge number of DNA molecules, they are not very stable. "

Professor Horace started looking reverse genetics training, trying to cultivate "chicken dinosaur." He described the birds are "living dinosaur" because they carry dinosaur DNA, is a modern survival of the species closest to the dinosaurs, we can look at ways to revive the history of dinosaur evolution.

Our chicken embryo was modified, and to determine which developmental stage specific gene is turned on and off, try to hatch chicks long or longer tail. Foster chicken dinosaurs four elements, it must have teeth, long or mouth instead beak, long a long tail, forelimbs and claws have not wings.

In the 1990s, the University of Wisconsin has conducted experiments chickens grow teeth, when the first "Jurassic Park" was published. This is the "first generation of teeth", lower hardness, but more than the birds horny beak, the current study dinosaur chicken toward nurturing an important step forward.

Dr. Horace noted that just a few weeks ago, Harvard University and Yale University research team was able to breed chicks dinosaur resembling the mouth. They found that one gene turned on and off determines the structure of the mouth chick. But chickens genetically modified to make them harder to grow tails need structure, because of the need to add the vertebrae so that they form a tail.

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