
Change The World In The History Of The Five Unexpected Discovery

X-ray: 1895, German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen are using a cathode ray tube simple experiment, he noticed ray tube lit up the room a fluorescent plate, even if a screen is placed between the two can not stop. He tried to block the light of the attempts have not been successful, eventually he will hand over the front of the cathode ray tube, but accidentally saw them Shougu. In fact, there are many people realize before Röntgen X-ray results, but he is only one system of its research.

Radioactivity: Inspired by the French scientist Henri Becquerel Röntgen study in 1896 began to study the phenomenon of phosphorescence. He believes that the effect of phosphorescence is produced by X-rays, so he tried to put some of the photographic film to emit phosphorescent salts to confirm this hypothesis. Eventually he found no materials in addition to uranium salts occur this effect. The film is not directly in contact with the uranium salt wrapping paper. A few days after the film was black, which means some form of radiation can pass through solid reason for this phenomenon, it is not phosphorescence.

Penicillin: Socrates biologist Alexander Fleming transformed modern medicine, this is not how a neat person, but has saved countless lives. 1928 vacation when Fleming returned, found that some dish appeared mildew, and prevent the growth of bacteria. Fleming correctly judged that this fungus has anti-bacterial properties, and there is some identification of penicillin. Scientists have finally extracted the antibiotic penicillin and learn to bring a revolutionary change.

The Big Bang Theory: The Big Bang theory is not really mentioned here, but the cosmic microwave background (CMB), or leave the Big Bang radiation. George Gamow in the 1940s to predict the presence of radiation, until 1964, two radio astronomers have unexpectedly discovered its existence. Penzias and Wilson was working at Bell Labs horn antenna experience, but received strange interference. Eventually they found themselves confirmation interference is CMB, rather than initially thought the impact of pigeons.

Wearable pacemaker: in 1956, as an electrical engineer Wilson Greatbatch we are designing a heart rate recording devices. Because of his carelessness, he took the wrong standard when take resistors accessories. The installation is complete, he realized the mistake, but he found the entire circuit at a rate of 1.8 times per second issue of an electrical pulse. The speed and heart rate considerably, he realized that this electrical stimulation can be used to help a weak heart patients. In 1958, he was a dog successfully implanted a pacemaker, the same year in Minneapolis, a medical company began the development of wearable pacemaker for human use.

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