
NASA Discovered A Mars-Sized Exoplanets

NASA announced the discovery of Kepler-138b report, which is a volume approaching Mars-sized planet, about 200 light-years away from us.

There are three known planets in the Kepler -138 stellar system, the other two are in the periphery of Kepler -138b
NASA released outside after a second Department of Earth, also issued a series of observations of exoplanets, such as exoplanet Kepler-138b. Kepler-138b is characterized by volume of nearly the size of Mars, is likely to be a rocky planets, exoplanets Fengyun size of Mars is about 200 light years from us, located in the northern hemisphere constellation Lyra direction around a red Dwarf run. SETI Institute astronomer Jason Luo believes Kepler-138b is another discovery of Kepler mission team, we have been able to calculate the size and the quality of its objects.

When we calculate its average density, find it within our solar system, Mars is very close to the twin Mars called exoplanets. Extrasolar planets have various sizes and quality, and some rocky planets similar in size to Venus, some closer to the Earth, of course, there are some larger gaseous planets. The now discovered Kepler- 138b is a mars-sized celestial bodies. Interestingly, the discovery process Kepler-138b think people discovered Neptune's history. In the early 1800s, scientists discovered that the orbit of Uranus some exceptions, and the emergence of a slight "deviant" and therefore speculated that the presence of a planet there.

In 1846, scientists have discovered the existence of Neptune. Celestial gravitational tug of war allows astronomers to discover an unknown planet, Kepler-138b as well. There are stars in the Kepler-138 three known planetary systems, the other two are in the periphery of Kepler-138b, so transit time will be delayed, but the scientists found that the periphery of the planetary transit time calculation does not match, so the speculation track by the impact of another planet.

Once people realize that planet's gravity caused the track abnormal, we can calculate based on Newton's laws Kepler-138b quality, while the calculated mass and the average density of Kepler-138b. Eventually we found exoplanet Kepler-138b is a quality close to Mars. But Kepler-138b are red dwarfs tidally locked, the temperature is 400-500K, Kepler-138b there is always a side facing the star.

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