
How To Read A Woman's Sexually Suggestive

Sexually suggestive mean, in speech, behavior and even a hint wearing apparel and other things, can be hidden with a reminiscent related things. Intimate relationship can be adjusted intentionally sexually suggestive atmosphere, but we must note that non-intimate relationships are likely to constitute sexual harassment imply, contrary to the laws and regulations.

Different forms of sexual implication between husband and wife or a couple that have a positive effect, it can create a good atmosphere of sex, so joyous to fresher way to start. The correct interpretation of a woman sexually suggestive, not only can make the process of sex more harmonious, but also to enhance each other's feelings.

How to express sexual overtones

Sometimes the wife is just looking for pure and sweet kisses caress it, but her husband thought his wife was slightly warm performance is implied. Once aroused male glory, caring wife had with each other. This is certainly not a happy result, he thought he was to meet his wife, but she repressed their original demand for a long time down, the woman probably because Pareto trouble, simply avoid making any active and enthusiastic move. So, rather than let the other old walking around in circles, the wife is better to give him a clearer hint, tell him you love like rhythm. Verbal cues, playing little tricks.

Speech hint

Couples with language requirements indicate the most common way, but often lack the surprise and the hazy beauty. Old couple used "go to bed early today," or "Today tired ah" to suggest and trailers Tonight "program." Some wives even couples living arrangements in weekly one day, so all implied also have become just like a reminder.

Many women will ask her husband before having sex must take a bath, "bath" and "sleep", as is also a common sexually suggestive. At first, her husband heard his wife wanted him to go to a bath will be very excited, but it will long tired of this mechanization, formal sexually suggestive. Indeed, he implied immutable, no wit. The wise wife should try to say it for a change. In the end what kind of language can be the most lethal to make the most accurate you transition to the next critical moment of it? Gender experts in the investigation of the psychological 40 men and women, for the men and women you include analysis to "sexual phase" before the most suggestive of eight words.

1, "I think you're tired, you need to break it?"

Five of 40 men and women chosen phrase, rather, is essentially masculine choice. It appears that men pressure in this society is so real, and like a woman having sex might be a way to relax, so that when a woman said softly, "need a break it?" When their thinking is easy He was taken to the bed. Of course, if a woman accompanied by side "rest" it is the most important.

Implied: ★★★ lethality: ★★ interest degree: ★★

2, "I feel very lonely now."

In the 40 men and women surveyed, only three chose the phrase, we reason: Everyone will feel lonely, with few other than up, this sentence is more like an attempt to cause each other fondly pitiful expression, rather than seductive hint; moreover, this sentence is also likely to be some of the thinking of people like turning understood as: "I feel very lonely with you" ...... That is not it the opposite?

Implied: ★★ lethality: ★ interest degree: ★★

3, "You look like my old lover."

The survey of men and women, there are seven said they saw the phrase on the thought of Miss Pao "Fortress Besieged" in the ship's other Hongjian said the phrase: "You looked like my fiance." Money was the man's explanation is: When a woman says you look like her fiance, equal representation if she did not get engaged, you are eligible to get her love; or, she has another fiance, and you can enjoy her fiance The rights and obligations without having to perform her marriage. Similarly, looked like an old lover, perhaps suggesting that you and her (him) into the present lover. Because he (she) is so obsessed with the old lover, but after all, is an old man, so we still focus on the moment of it.

Implied: ★★★★ lethality: ★★★★ interest degree: ★★★★

4, "I guess you're wearing white underwear, is it?"

Psychological analysis, when the people heard these words, the first impression is to looking down at his body, so there is no doubt that the Watch "2nd skin" of this sentence by 40 men and women in nearly half of the respected . The hidden meaning of this sentence is: I want to see you wear underwear, (validate my judgment); of course, only an analogy white, black, red, gray color ...... this does not matter. There is a real example of a woman on the MSN guess not seen a good man but the feeling from the outside to the inside of dressing up, guess the color actually is not bad, man was astounded and immediately the woman had close to the idea. After all, clothing is an extension of the body.

Implied: ★★★★ lethality: ★★★★★ interest degree: ★★★★

5, "If you want to come in for a drink?"

Super classic temptation sentence, the corresponding sentence is: "? I do not want to go have a drink please me" Do not think they Esu, for the sexual gratification of men and women from the bed only one step, these words will become pierce the windows of paper The key language. N so much foreign films have used this line, of course, in real life it is more popular. No wonder, there are 12 men and women think it is one of the languages ​​most lethal.

Implied: ★★★★★ lethality: ★★★★★ interest degree: ★★★★

6, "I am a person living alone now."

It means a person living single, does not meet the meaning of life, which means unlimited open to the outside world, so if a heterosexual looked into your eyes and say "I lived when 100% of sexually suggestive it straightforward to show out. There are 25 more than the most lethal vote for it in 40 men and women.

Implied: ★★★★★ lethality: ★★★★★ interest of

7, "I am free this evening."

Such busy lives, and who spent the night is a big problem. Therefore, "I am free tonight" became the 40 men and women surveyed selected 1/4, of course, the "free" refers to the entire evening. So, we can spend together, everyone has to do something "exotic" thing. Of course, it was said that "free" does not mean you can do more things, after all, a lot of things you can do.

Implied: ★★★★★ lethality: ★★★ interest degree: ★★★★

8, "My family has a very good DVD, would you like to see it?"

The sentence was unanimously loved like to play a small taste of men and women, as in the end will see what the DVD, you can try to play to their imagination, perhaps France's comedy, romance or the United States, or even Japan's horror film ...... Of course the most recommended or Dingdu - Balas erotic movies. To see A piece, it is best to see Europe and France, Japan and the United States of physical stimulation metamorphosis is some lack of interest.

Implied: ★★★★ lethality: ★★★ interest degree: ★★★★★
Tip: If you do not say that directly implies clearly out, often bring subtle beauty for both sides. Try playing some Huazhongyouhua pun trick, or with fanciful words implied. For example, Lisa will tell her husband said "Help me an injection it!" Or "I want to drink juice." These words may sound a little funny, but really can play a sensational and provocative results. Of course, in order to let him drink every time you mention you are mistaken, "sex" vitality, speech, we should also draw his attention to your tone and expression.

Limb hint

Good communication is non-verbal expression of the feelings of another, but also enhances the beauty of life. Although the woman's delicate, sensitive husband often make headache, but it is undeniable that his wife warm welcome gesture fascinated man. To put it bluntly, between implicit shyness demeanor revealed that women, compared to the bold words and deeds of her husband even more emotionally generous woman.

According to the study, if a person have a crush on another person, blink frequency becomes higher, the pupil will enlarge, will be flush on the cheek or ear lobe edges. However, discharge and sexual innuendo are two different things, if you do not want to let him wait a moment mistook you can go to bed, have good control of their expressions and reactions.

Intimate act from each other, hugging, kissing, languishing eyes, lingering whispers, who sent a message to you courtship. In sexual excitement, the intensity of the other hugging, pass the severity of the action information. More precisely it, when you hug tighter, or when the body closer to you, it means you need more stimulus, and when slowly pushing you, then there is a sense of discomfort. Both men and women can also pre-appointment of the signal transmitted sexual feelings, you can use eyes, gestures to adjust the position and magnitude of sex, so both quickly and accurately.

Many a wife acknowledged that they need love, eager to get touching, hugging and kissing, but this requirement does not mean sex. Husbands often misunderstand the meaning of his wife, has a passion to see his wife, he said that it is the wife wanted to have sex, so they stupid stupid and move, resulting in "imminent, had made" situation. At this time, his wife had to help things along. As a result, the husband of the wife that meet the requirements, while his wife was feeling her meaning was misunderstood.

Physically and mentally normal men and women, are eager to achieve sexual gratification through sexual contact. But men and women in sexual contact with the purpose to be achieved but have different requirements. In general, men after arouse sexual desire for women made all love, all toward the target of sexual intercourse. While women are different, they stimulate sexual desire is passive, when subjected to a man's embrace, kissing, petting behavior near the body like when only just beginning to feel emotional satisfaction, sexual desire is not aroused before, these physical contact also make them get good feelings, not necessarily sexual intercourse is not.

From a psychological point of view, women more than a "psychological self-love", that is, they want to be loved. Therefore, women often unintentionally imply that need to man. In fact, emphasis on the psychological satisfaction of sex, not to sexual intercourse for the purpose.

Therefore, men should know that women tend to claim less than the degree of sexual intercourse, but also know that they were more often get a better feel during sex (not sex), this place is very different men.

On women, when issuing the imply the need to caress, we should think this implies in itself will not make a man misunderstood. You should have to understand that some of this implied representation, do not mean the language. Even if men understand your hint, you have to pay attention to grasp the rhythm and intensity of foreplay, little attention will lead to backfire.

Studies have shown that when two people face to face contact, 70% of the information is transmitted through nonverbal channels, which is in the life particularly evident, especially women. Due to the nature of the woman there warmth, delicate, and that so many men attracted to the shy, make them in life exhibit a subtle, hazy beauty.

For the passion, never to speak out, but through some action expression metaphor out. If the husband from the many subtle signs are not good at capturing the feelings which traces the wife, or ignorant of this, it will destroy the beauty of both sides of sex, sexual disharmony planted a hidden danger. This requires us to married life, we must learn to accept from the other side of sexually suggestive - AC operation language.

Sex life of non-verbal communication, make life more imaginative, appealing, giving a subtle beauty. Nonverbal communication is a silent transmission of information, it is by means of touch, smell, sight and hearing as well as body movements, gestures, etc. to express their feelings and aspirations.

Specific to the sex How to do it?

First of all, a loving act from each other, hugging, kissing, languishing eyes, lingering soft whisper, who sent the message to your courtship.

Second, in sexual excitement, the intensity of the other hugging, pass the severity of the action information. More precisely it, when his wife hug you tighter, or when her body closer to you, it means she needs you more stimulus, when she slowly pushed you, you should think of is not his action a bit heavy .

Third, the couple also can be pre-ordained transfer of feelings signal can be used to look, and more with gestures, for example, the two sides can stick palms, according to the other side of the palm-sized hard to adjust posture sex and amplitude.

Fourth, the female orgasm is relatively slow, often require a longer period of excitement and plateau. How to grasp the female orgasm and coming platform late this moment, which both entered the peak period, which is a difficult thing, not everyone can do every sexual activity. But it does not matter, the husband can wait wife orgasm before ejaculation, the two sides will also get the greatest satisfaction.

Tip: Women want to read the man sexually suggestive easy, but men want to capture accurately the signals emitted by the female body is not so easy. Active rub the laundry mat husband came home, his wife is suggesting tonight in bed can give their own point of reward; but his wife meticulously cooked on a sumptuous dinner or dinner table suddenly put a vase of flowers, does not necessarily mean that she Today, the sexual high. He must also observe his wife's movements and facial expressions, but also consider his wife's good or bad. The correct interpretation of body language, we need to look closely, but also need to gain experience.

Other hint

More and more perfume and underwear ads filled with strong sexual connotations and sexually suggestive. Focus on sex appeal of a woman, in addition to care about the atmosphere, but also began to pay attention from the smell, even the smell of it was suggested that the atmosphere argument.

Perfume stimulate the senses of action, some women want to be kissed like to rub in the site, so some people say scent is a sexy looking woman with a secret signal, the husband not only use your eyes and ears have sex, but also to understand his mouth and nose to sniff wife hint.

If the wife in the evening wear usually do not wear black stockings and low-cut tops, suggesting already evident. Husband likes to watch his wife ambiguous, breasts look like twilight. Wife occasionally show on what style of clothing, will make her husband excited.

Men sometimes misinterpret the meaning of a woman, mistaken for a woman is sexually suggestive goodwill, when a man can not wait to take action, often find the truth is not so. A man lustful but in the eyes of a woman falling light impression. So, a man trying to figure out what women really suggestive and what is not, it is somewhat important. Especially when faced with the following six kinds of situations, how to judge:

When a woman intentionally or unintentionally to beat the man's body

When a woman is a man's shoulders like hand flapping, back when, only that she likes you or admire you, this is an intimate or encouragement of action. Especially when the woman herself temperament than generous when masculinity, men can not easily go to sexual association and play. This woman may habitually beat many men on the shoulder. Why is it so? Because they themselves somewhat masculine, nature does not own how women see themselves as, if you take it as a woman's sexual innuendo, and certainly the wrong diagnosis as a doctor numbers up. But if the woman sitting next to you, regardless of whether there is an outsider, a woman comes to emotional place, just good on a man's thigh slapping a few, even the handle on the man's thigh to stay for a while, it probably would be suggestive of . Because the man's shoulder is more of a public site, but men and women thigh thighs, are privatized parts. Of course, the men and women interested in the following parts of the chest and will have sexual meaning.

Men and women alone in a room, but not the meaning of taboo

In such situation, the hearts of some men started playing brooding, this woman is not very casual feel good about themselves or the. In fact, there are a lot of factors, not the women to men sexually suggestive. For example, some women may be no place to go, or to men than the trust itself, or a lot of dealing with men, for men have enough experience to cope. So, the man in this case, would like some action, most would be indecent, women will immediately leave or enemies. If a woman with a man alone in a room, late is not meant to go, and looked very ambiguous attitude, it is mostly a sexually suggestive.

Collusion man passionate eyes

This situation, most men would think a woman to own an interest in each other's stare is sexually suggestive, especially some men prefer to take deliberately provocative look pretty strange woman. But in fact, if men and women first met, it is very likely the other party itself is the kind of man full of curiosity. Man or woman has the game itself is a psychological response to her made it's usually not sexually suggestive. But if it is familiar among men and women, have this vision of collusion, and seemed sweetness, it is very likely that sex implies.

Intimacy between men and women does not avoid

Men and women because of work-life exposures, sometimes very close, is a very common thing. When men and women have contact with the skin, but the woman did not shy away meaning, it does not mean that the woman is sexual implications. After all, this society is an open society, in addition to sex education of young people more exposure also many related concepts. Outmoded customs of men and women accept not pro like early care. And some women are born blind to things like skin care. So, if a man impulsive, often you will find themselves all wrong. But if the man clearly come into contact with sensitive parts of a woman, the woman still did not care or will be exhibited in the face shy of the state, it must be a sexually suggestive.

Dating men and women separately

If a man about a woman go to the cinema or dance, while women gladly swear words, which shows a woman for you at least have a certain impression, your relationship with the tendency for further development. But if a woman at the swear, but also with his companion, it must be the woman's emotional distance and you exist, or not quite trust your sake. Or that the woman intercourse between men and women lack of experience and confidence. But if a woman when alone with you, for you do not keep their distance, not shy after the event continue to be alone with you, especially when women meet with you alone, compared to the usual dress is much more to be exposed, it said Women do not necessarily give you sexual cues.

A woman with a man speaking erotic jokes

When mature woman in public speaking erotic jokes and teasing you, this is not necessarily your sexually suggestive. But when you are in the online yellow joke, and women do not avoid, but will give his own views, and take you to a joke, it must be interesting for you. Privately, when two people get along, and still are, the more interesting the other party for you.

Tip: hinted best able to do naturally, quietly responded the other side, of course, if you run into dull men will be very disappointed. Meg said, one day she deliberately put on pajamas to buy a new side against her husband sitting in the dressing table giving her a sexy hair, when he saw actually shouting "OMG! Ghost ah!" As a result , it is unpleasant.

The above said is mostly sexually suggestive before sex, as implied during sex, the husband is more need to have the sound of silence and feel for the partner's "Guide." Sex is the physical exchange, but also emotional communication, each couple should establish a "sex password" belongs between the two in order to make music boudoir more joy, more fun.

Encourage couples to create their own Suggestion

Couples should be encouraged to try and change, to create their own sex implied.

Husbands and wives can do some small patches or design a symbol. If one of hope and lovers some intimacy, you can draw on a calendar. On the one hand, it is outsiders do not understand the small decorative spouses belong together because of this little secret and excited the other hand, the operability of this method is also relatively strong.

Or, try to play some Huazhongyouhua with puns little trick. As will be one kind of food to eat each other as a sign, with "I want to eat ......" to imply the other. These words may sound funny, but really can play a sensational and provocative results.

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